Saturday, January 10, 2009

School Stories

School Stuff
so, it's getting closer to the end of the year, and some kids at school have to be annoying u or bullying you, at least a little, maybe you hate you're teacher, who knows!!! but here is a story, that I've been been told, and i'll tell it to you, and give you tips about it in the end, so these things don't happen to you!!!! Here you go:

This happened to a friend in 4th grade:

So, there was this girl and she was all buddy buddy with the popular girl, *sarah rose fisher* and on the 1s day of school she was wearing really dark clothes, so the girl and her guy friend (NOT BOYFRIEND!!!) were saying "what happened this summer!!!! You look all goth!!" and it doesn't sound that mean, but it really did burn her. So the guy sqweezed her hand and almost broke her hand practically!!! This as just sheer bullying. And as the year went on, she stayed friends with the girl, and she girl just got like a real (sorry for this word but i have to say it, i cencered it) b**ch!! she said "no offense, but that's,like, a granny sweater!" and what was worse, the girl woukd just take it, but finnally she stood up for herself,, she broke away!!!!!!! She would be mean to the girl, and teach her a lesson.  bUT IN THE END, THE GIRL TURNED EVERY ONE AGAINST HER, SHE HAD NO FRIENDS. bUT THEN she told the teachers, It got so bad, that the day she told the girl slapped her across the face!!! and that's just nor fair. So after months, she found new friend. She ignored the popular squad, and ended that year happily. And never tried to fit it again*

don't try to fit in 
if things get to terrible, just tell a teacher 
talk about it and let it out!!!! 

Another story will be posted tomorrow. 

*All of these stories are true


  1. yeah! come to my site!
    hope to c u there!!

  2. Come to mi site too! !!
    love ur site!
    cant wait to see u at mine!

  3. aww :(:(

    look at mine!
